
Seen it on Pinterest: Garden Totems

I found a project on Pinterest called garden totems. I love them because it adds a little whimsy to my garden and I love my garden. I'm always looking for recycled projects for garden decor.

 I had a pretty large collection of glass but, I wanted a few pieces with a little more details. I ended up just doing a piece to experiment with the process. I love how the smaller one turned out but, now I'm ready for smaller and more colorful pieces.

This is a temporary setting for right now, I plan to relocate them later.

My version

How to Compost Without a Compost Bin

This info-graphic is handy tool for knowing what scraps to scrap for composting.

Trench Composting is an easy and inexpensive way to get nutrients into your garden soil when you don't have room for a compost bin. | Preparedn foressMama

"God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures". ~Frances Bacon

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