
Garden Lighting

Garden Lighting is a great way to make use of your garden at night and to add an impressive display for outdoor living. Most garden lighting is very affordable these days and many of the products that are on the market can be installed quite easily by the home gardener.

You can light areas where you will be sitting, or outdoor dining areas, or you might just want the lighting for effect where you can shine the light on feature trees or plants in the garden.

Garden lighting can also add a degree of safety to your property by lighting steps and walking areas.

You can use this lighting to assist people to find entrances to your house and even use it for security purposes where the lights can come on automatically if there are intruders on the property.

The range of lighting equipment that is available these days will allow you to create almost any effect that you desire in your garden.

Before buying any lighting for your garden it is best to decide what the purpose of your lights will be.
You will need to create a plan that will determine which areas need lighting for safety and where you want lights for dramatic effect such as up lights on a specimen tree.

Once you have a plan for the lights you will be ready to choose and decide on what style suits the style of your house and garden.

You can get professional help or install the lighting yourself as most garden lighting runs on low voltage for safety and there are kits that make installation very easy.

If you want the lighting for ponds and pools then additional care will be needed as safety is a concern with water and electricity and in these situations it is wise to get a professional to do the installation.

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"God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures". ~Frances Bacon

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